Paul Caldwell-Jones Paul Caldwell-Jones

Fire Risk Assessments in Bolton for Landlord and Managing Agent HMO Properties

When we conduct a fire risk assessment in Bolton for a landlord or managing agent, who owns an HMO or residential property, due consideration is always given to all relevant hazards. Whilst not an exhaustive list, the following categories are an example. This prompt list mirrors the recommendations which were originally cited in PAS 79-2 guidance.

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Paul Caldwell-Jones Paul Caldwell-Jones

When do you need a fire risk assessment in Bolton?

One of the most common questions we get is “Do I need a fire risk assessment?” This is particularly the case with small businesses.

Since 2005, the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order, Article 9 (RRFSO) has stipulated that,

“The responsible person must make a “Suitable and Sufficient” assessment of the risks to which relevant persons are exposed for the purpose of identifying the ‘General fire precautions’ he needs to take to comply …. with the order. Article 9 went on to state that as soon as practicable after the assessment is made or reviewed, the responsible person must record the information…’where he employs five or more employees.’

The Building Safety Act 2022, particularly section 156 (which came into force in 2023) contains amendments to the RRFSO and removed ’where he employs five or more employees.’

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Paul Caldwell-Jones Paul Caldwell-Jones

Fire Risk Assessments and Solar Panels

A fire risk assessment plays a crucial role in managing the risks associated with solar panels and lithium-ion batteries in both commercial and residential settings

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